MASK UP, WE NEED YOU: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation


MASK UP, WE NEED YOU: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation is a collaboration between Sheyam Ghieth and I, a 40-page illustrated primer for those who consider themselves co-strugglers for Palestinian liberation, yet may not understand the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic as both a genocide in itself, and a tool of genocide that perpetuates all others.

What if we told you there was a tangible way you could refuse to take on the empire’s deadly work, every day?

As we build our liberated future, this zine is a call to action and collective consciousness to notice the connections that the empire desperately does not want us to see!

All illustrations by Sheyam Ghieth. See sources cited here.


This zine is free for Mask Blocs, organizers, and encampments. To download this zine for free, use the coupon code MASKUP-FREE.

To download this zine at the $10 tier, use the discount code MASKUP-10.

If you’re able to pay on a sliding scale, please venmo your contribution to our work to @Sheyam-Ghieth or @Rimo-Skyo with the subject MASKUP.

For the foreseeable future, 75% of all sales will go directly to Palestinian families escaping the genocide. Transparency receipts will be periodically posted on Instagram. (Previously, we sent 50% of sales directly to families; we changed to 75% in August 2024.) Just from your digital downloads, we’ve raised over $1700 for families (as of 1/25).

You are welcome to independently sell this zine as a fundraiser, as long as 100% of the funds go directly to families in Gaza. (Recouping printing costs is okay, but please do not keep any profits for yourself or your organization. Please credit us for the work and tag us in your fundraisers so we can share.)

Every download includes a printable half-sheet with a QR to a list of vetted families that Sheyam has connected to via their project Creators for Gaza. Please print and share this list wherever you share and distribute MASK UP. Getting funds directly to Gazan families is critical.

If you’re ordering a free version, there’s no need to use your real/full address when making your order (123 Sesame Street works just fine). Please do list your city to share where you’re downloading from!


To print the zine correctly, you’ll need to print using the “short-edge binding” setting, which you can find in print settings dialog box. See more about short-edge printing here.

Each download also comes with a digital-friendly version with clickable links, if you’d rather read on a screen.

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MASK UP, WE NEED YOU: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation is a collaboration between Sheyam Ghieth and I, a 40-page illustrated primer for those who consider themselves co-strugglers for Palestinian liberation, yet may not understand the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic as both a genocide in itself, and a tool of genocide that perpetuates all others.

What if we told you there was a tangible way you could refuse to take on the empire’s deadly work, every day?

As we build our liberated future, this zine is a call to action and collective consciousness to notice the connections that the empire desperately does not want us to see!

All illustrations by Sheyam Ghieth. See sources cited here.


This zine is free for Mask Blocs, organizers, and encampments. To download this zine for free, use the coupon code MASKUP-FREE.

To download this zine at the $10 tier, use the discount code MASKUP-10.

If you’re able to pay on a sliding scale, please venmo your contribution to our work to @Sheyam-Ghieth or @Rimo-Skyo with the subject MASKUP.

For the foreseeable future, 75% of all sales will go directly to Palestinian families escaping the genocide. Transparency receipts will be periodically posted on Instagram. (Previously, we sent 50% of sales directly to families; we changed to 75% in August 2024.) Just from your digital downloads, we’ve raised over $1700 for families (as of 1/25).

You are welcome to independently sell this zine as a fundraiser, as long as 100% of the funds go directly to families in Gaza. (Recouping printing costs is okay, but please do not keep any profits for yourself or your organization. Please credit us for the work and tag us in your fundraisers so we can share.)

Every download includes a printable half-sheet with a QR to a list of vetted families that Sheyam has connected to via their project Creators for Gaza. Please print and share this list wherever you share and distribute MASK UP. Getting funds directly to Gazan families is critical.

If you’re ordering a free version, there’s no need to use your real/full address when making your order (123 Sesame Street works just fine). Please do list your city to share where you’re downloading from!


To print the zine correctly, you’ll need to print using the “short-edge binding” setting, which you can find in print settings dialog box. See more about short-edge printing here.

Each download also comes with a digital-friendly version with clickable links, if you’d rather read on a screen.

MASK UP, WE NEED YOU: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation is a collaboration between Sheyam Ghieth and I, a 40-page illustrated primer for those who consider themselves co-strugglers for Palestinian liberation, yet may not understand the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic as both a genocide in itself, and a tool of genocide that perpetuates all others.

What if we told you there was a tangible way you could refuse to take on the empire’s deadly work, every day?

As we build our liberated future, this zine is a call to action and collective consciousness to notice the connections that the empire desperately does not want us to see!

All illustrations by Sheyam Ghieth. See sources cited here.


This zine is free for Mask Blocs, organizers, and encampments. To download this zine for free, use the coupon code MASKUP-FREE.

To download this zine at the $10 tier, use the discount code MASKUP-10.

If you’re able to pay on a sliding scale, please venmo your contribution to our work to @Sheyam-Ghieth or @Rimo-Skyo with the subject MASKUP.

For the foreseeable future, 75% of all sales will go directly to Palestinian families escaping the genocide. Transparency receipts will be periodically posted on Instagram. (Previously, we sent 50% of sales directly to families; we changed to 75% in August 2024.) Just from your digital downloads, we’ve raised over $1700 for families (as of 1/25).

You are welcome to independently sell this zine as a fundraiser, as long as 100% of the funds go directly to families in Gaza. (Recouping printing costs is okay, but please do not keep any profits for yourself or your organization. Please credit us for the work and tag us in your fundraisers so we can share.)

Every download includes a printable half-sheet with a QR to a list of vetted families that Sheyam has connected to via their project Creators for Gaza. Please print and share this list wherever you share and distribute MASK UP. Getting funds directly to Gazan families is critical.

If you’re ordering a free version, there’s no need to use your real/full address when making your order (123 Sesame Street works just fine). Please do list your city to share where you’re downloading from!


To print the zine correctly, you’ll need to print using the “short-edge binding” setting, which you can find in print settings dialog box. See more about short-edge printing here.

Each download also comes with a digital-friendly version with clickable links, if you’d rather read on a screen.

The Genocide Is Ongoing

Please note that this zine was written in spring 2024 and released on May 9, 2024. At the hands of the amerikkkan-israeli empire, the genocide in Gaza has only raged on. The pandemic rages on, too. At certain points, this zine cites death toll data that is no longer accurate. Please consider this context when reading and distributing this zine.

FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA : Demystifying the Rallying Cry for Land Back and Liberation (FREE PRINTABLE Download)
Covid is a Labor Issue (FREE PRINTABLE Download)
FLOOD: Print Propaganda in Practice (FREE PRINTABLE Download)
Drawing Towards Our Autonomy: A Comics Workbook
Wearing Masks Protects Everybody