FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA : Demystifying the Rallying Cry for Land Back and Liberation (FREE PRINTABLE Download)


Written by Kelly Ng, designed by me, with lots of editing help from beloveds.

“From The River to The Sea” is a call to Free Palestine, a sovereign Indigenous nation under violent Zionist military occupation since 1948. This one-page zine demystifies the slogan that Zionists desperately want to convince you is antisemitic in order to distract you from their US-backed genocide of Palestinians!

In the face of the Zionist disinformation machine, we need to be clear: “From The River to The Sea” represents the Palestinian peoples’ principled cause and call for freedom.

🇵🇸 All who believe in Indigenous peoples’ dignity, sovereignty, and right to self-determination should unabashedly proclaim, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!

🕊️ Read the zine to learn more! And check out (and wheatpaste?!) the poster version, too! SHARE WIDELY. (Hint for local folks: print for free at Multnomah County Libraries!)


Written by Kelly Ng, designed by me, with lots of editing help from beloveds.

“From The River to The Sea” is a call to Free Palestine, a sovereign Indigenous nation under violent Zionist military occupation since 1948. This one-page zine demystifies the slogan that Zionists desperately want to convince you is antisemitic in order to distract you from their US-backed genocide of Palestinians!

In the face of the Zionist disinformation machine, we need to be clear: “From The River to The Sea” represents the Palestinian peoples’ principled cause and call for freedom.

🇵🇸 All who believe in Indigenous peoples’ dignity, sovereignty, and right to self-determination should unabashedly proclaim, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!

🕊️ Read the zine to learn more! And check out (and wheatpaste?!) the poster version, too! SHARE WIDELY. (Hint for local folks: print for free at Multnomah County Libraries!)

Written by Kelly Ng, designed by me, with lots of editing help from beloveds.

“From The River to The Sea” is a call to Free Palestine, a sovereign Indigenous nation under violent Zionist military occupation since 1948. This one-page zine demystifies the slogan that Zionists desperately want to convince you is antisemitic in order to distract you from their US-backed genocide of Palestinians!

In the face of the Zionist disinformation machine, we need to be clear: “From The River to The Sea” represents the Palestinian peoples’ principled cause and call for freedom.

🇵🇸 All who believe in Indigenous peoples’ dignity, sovereignty, and right to self-determination should unabashedly proclaim, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!

🕊️ Read the zine to learn more! And check out (and wheatpaste?!) the poster version, too! SHARE WIDELY. (Hint for local folks: print for free at Multnomah County Libraries!)

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